Mind Body Solutions Natural Health Clinic
Mind Body Solutions Natural Health Clinic specialises in helping people improve their health and fitness, both in mind and body. Each treatment session is bespoke to individual needs and jointly identified outcomes.
Areas of Expertise
* Empowerment and Transformation Coaching
* Clinical Hypnotherapy
* Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
* Integrated Psychotherapy (including: Gestalt, Transactional Analysis)
* Clinical Acupuncture
* Amno Fu Deep Abdominal Treatment
* Bruess Spinal Relaxation Treatment
* Cupping Therapy
* Dorn Method Spinal & Pelvic Alignment
* Facial Rejuvenation
* Gua Sha Therapy
* Kore Therapy
My ethos is to offer treatments that positively enhance both mind and body, creating balance and synchronicity by using a range of modalities, suited to individual needs. Combinations of treatments for the mind and body are used to increase fitness, address injuries, manage pain and to promote wellbeing.
My purpose is to use skills and experience that I have studied and developed over 35 years to help people to feel healthier and happier. My passion is to work collaboratively with clients to create lasting change to help individuals live their best life.
'It is never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you'

Contact Me
Phones are switched to silent mode during treatments so the best contact method is to either send a text message or an email and a reply will be sent as soon as possible.
Clinic Address:
Lady Heyes
Kingsley Road
Plenty of free parking available
Tel: 07925 907404
Email: mindbodysolutionsclinic@gmail.com
Opening Hours:
Mon 09.30 - 17.00
Tue 13.00 - 19.00
Wed 09.30 - 17.00
Thu 13.00 - 19.00
Fri 09.30 - 16.00
Sat & Sun - Closed
Please note that there is a 24 hour cancellation policy for all bookings.